Just when you thought you didn't need yet another
way to roast a chicken I give you this one.
The reason I love it is because I can have
a roast chicken for dinner in half the time.
The skin is crispy all over and the inside is
cooked evenly and juicy. Plus I get to use my
favorite pan, the cast iron skillet.
Here we go. First put a 12" cast iron pan in
the oven and turn it on to 425º to preheat.
Rinse the chicken inside and out. This was
a Purdue roaster, about 4.5 pounds. Dry the
outside all over with paper towel. Squeeze
a lemon over the outside and inside, then
tuck the lemon wedges in the cavity. I
also added a few herbs from my garden.
Next, you need to splay the chicken.
Cut through the skin where it attaches
between the leg and the breast. Then
break the bone so that the legs lay flat.
Drizzle with olive oil and rub it over the skin.
Season generously with salt, pepper, and
you choice of seasonings, I added ½ t
paprika this time.
Carefully remove the preheated HOT skillet from
the oven and put the chicken in the pan. You'll
hear a nice ssss! sear!
This method allows the legs to cook
evenly with the breast. Put it back in
the oven for 45 minutes. You can prep it
however you like, just be sure to use oil
all over the outside and season.
Remove from the oven and press down on the
lemon to release any juice, then tilt the bird
so all the juices in the cavity go into the pan.
Allow to rest for 10 minutes.
Serve with pan juices.
Remember to save all the bones for chicken
soup. I also had enough leftover chicken to
make chicken salad this week. It's 2 more
reasons why I love roast chicken for dinner.